34 weeks and 1 day
Today marks 34 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy. I have been feeling better, but for a cold that I somehow caught while lying around the house (how does that happen??!!). My doctor's appointment today went well and they feel encouraged by how the week has gone. The main points of today's appointment were:
1. She appears to be head down and way down and the dr said that is good.
2. Her heartbeat was great and my vitals were great.
3. The dr wants to keep up two more weeks of bed rest so that I reach the 36 week mark. Although he is OK if she comes now, his summation was "34 weekers don't get to go home with their parents from the hospital, but 36 weekers usually do. I want you guys to have the greatest chance to take her home when you leave the hospital."
4. She is still measuring along a 33 week mark, so small, but he doesn't seem worried by that.
5. He said that unless anything "seems amiss" they don't want to see me back for 2 weeks. At that point I will be just past 36 weeks and if all seems to be good I can resume normal activities at my own pace. That appointment is June 13.
6. He asked me if I knew how close my contractions were in the hospital - I told him I didn't know the time, but I felt like they were close. He said they were 3 minutes apart and constant "and that wasn't a good sign", so for now with 10-15 contractions a day he things that is just great (he's never felt a contraction:).
7. He gave me a mix of medicines to take to get past the cold so I can feel better.
So all in all, it was great! I am back relaxing on the couch, since besides the dr's I also ran 3 errands (Library, Bank and PO Box) and took Camden over to Elaine's this morning, and then got my haircut. So it has been the busiest day yet and I am worn out. Gotta get some rest because the Season Finale of LOST is tonight!!
Thanks for all your prayers - they seem to be getting answered. And thanks again to everyone who has brought meals - they are SO helpful right now and we've had lots of good food.
I'll update again later if anything happens!