Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Year went fast...

Sorry to say that this was a busy year and sadly no blog posts were made. Camden had a fantastic year in K at Wake Forest Elementary. Kevin, MacKenna and I enjoyed alternating our twice daily trips the three blocks to walk him to school and pick him up. I love living in a small town where this is possible. Above is the last day of school where we all walked together.

In other Harvey news - the summer is packed and fun. Lots of trips to the Y pool, Mac's 3rd birthday, potty training, VBS and more. Camden also enjoyed a 9-1 winning season on his first T-ball team this year. Kevin broke his wrist playing T-ball with Cam:) Amy started a new job (In Dec and all is going well). Enjoy a few pictures above...

Hopefully next year will leave more room for blog updates, but rest assured life is fun and busy in our house!!