Monday, June 30, 2008


You can see an earlier post for more details and a link to their blog, but please pray today especially for our dear friends Josh and Amy Smitherman. Amy has been in and out of the hospital over the last couple days and was admitted again last night. Although we are not sure, it seems that today may be the day of Abigail's birth. Amy is about 32 weeks and 5 days along. Amy started contractions last night and after at least 5 hours on the magnesium sulfate they have not gone away only spread a part by a couple minutes. Please pray for God's peace and rest on both Josh and Amy. Pray for God to work a development miracle in Abigail if she is to come today so she is ready for life outside the womb.

Please pray for us too as we are anxious to meet MacKenna. We have been to the hospital also this week - false alarm!! But it has only made us more ready to meet and hold our little girl. I am almost 39 weeks now and UNCOMFY!!!! Pray for patience for both Kevin and I, and pray for coordination when the big day arrives (Camden getting to the right place, Kevin's work being OK, we get to the hospital on time!!).

Thanks for your prayers!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Just some pictures

I know it has been awhile since we posted any pictures. Here are just a few...

Very pregnant Mommy!!

Reading my new magazines with Daddy!! Thanks Isaac!

Me and Mommy

Playing Chutes and Ladders with Mommy. She has been doing a lot of this lately (especially when she was on bedrest).

Cheesing with Daddy!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

37 Weeks

We have offically made it to 37 weeks now. Praise God!!! Today at the doctor they said I was 1 cm dialated, 50% effaced and she is at a negative 2 station (which basically means they can feel the top of her head). This doctor thinks I'll still hold out for a few more days, if not to the end. I have just prayed to God to either give me the endurance to make it all the way to 40+ weeks, or just go ahead and let things happen. I am uncomfy and not sleeping well - but all is manageable and typical for this far into pregnancy combined with record high temperatures here in NC. So all is good news!!

And even more good news. Back in the middle of May I was super anxious that things would not be "in place" before MacKenna came. It took me about a week after being home from the hospital to come to terms with the fact that much might have to go undone and I would need to be OK with that. As a person who makes tons of lists, plans way ahead and thrives on organization and order - this was a lot for me to deal with. But I did and I came to the point of realizing that many babies are born and families are unprepared, babies can sleep just about wherever you need them to (they never see the "pretty" nursery anyways), and many people survive this chaos with no harm done to anyone. So I packed my hospital bag and went on bed rest content that all would fall into place when it needed to. And it has...
Last Saturday night Camden's room got curtains (thanks Debbie!!) and he began sleeping in it right away. Besides a few minor complaints at night time about "but I love my old room" he has done well and is adjusting to the new room. Kevin finished some shelves in there last night and it is complete.
Last Sunday (depsite really not having a good feeling day) I put all Camden's clothes in the new room and put all MacKenna's clothes in her closet and drawers. I also set up a bassinett and felt like her room was "OK for baby".
Yesterday Kevin converted the toddler bed back to a crib and all the linens got washed, so that should be completed tonight.
Yesterday, my wonderful and very talented friend Gina, brought by 4 paintings of sunflowers and ladybugs to complete MacKenna's room. She also made a really nice painted wood name plaque for her. She has even offerred to come hang all the pictures and put the finishing touches on the room onece the furniture is in place.
Today Kevin pulled out the car seat to install in the car and he got a new car seat to put for Camden in the truck, so now Camden can safely ride in either car (for 3+ years) he has ONLY been able to ride in the Honda and we have had to coordinate many things because of this, so now it will be much easier.
So - it seems we are much more ready now than I ever expected to be. Funny how when you release things, the Lord answers your obediance by putting things in order.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Over 6 1/2 pounds!!!!

Today was my 36 week (and 2 day) check up with the doctor. All looks great!!! MacKenna continues to have a strong heartbeat, measures well, and the doctor thinks she is over 6.5 pounds. I continue to have contractions, feel huge, and feel pains all the time, however NONE of this has affected my cervix (no dilation and no more effacement) so I am great too!! The doctor joked that by the way things are right now he thinks I'll be in there to be induced at 41 weeks (I hope she comes before that!!). So, they have released me from bedrest - his words were "resume what you want, just be reasonable with your body", and I can go back to work for awhile too. All of this is such a great praise!!! I came home and told Kevin I would fix dinner tonight (it's been over a month since I did those little things for my family and I am ready to start again). So thank you all so much for your prayers - they have worked and we are well on our way to delivering a big, healthy girl within the next month.

Since all your prayers were so great - I am asking now that you join with me in praying for a special friend of mine - Amy. Our friends, Josh and Amy are just over 30 weeks along in their pregnancy with a precious little girl Abigail Joy, and this morning she went into labor. Her situation over the past 24 hours has been very much like mine was a month ago, and as of just 5 minutes ago when we talked her contractions have stopped and she is doing better. Her FFN test (same test they ran on me) came back negative - yeah!! Although all this seems great, Amy's pregnancy has been very different from mine and their are many other factors which they are dealing with. You can look for updates on their blog, just please be in prayer for this precious family. Pray for Abigail to be strong and develop quickly (I believe God can speed along the time table of her growth if needed!!), and pray for Josh and Amy to be filled with peace and rest during this hard time. Thanks!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

35 Weeks!!

Today we have made it to 35 weeks. Not much has changed - still trying to stay on bed rest. I am recovered from the cold which helps a lot!

Camden and Kevin continue to be troopers about the whole situation. Camden and I have quiet play time on the couch for an hour or so each morning so Kevin can work. This has brought about a lot of interesting conversations. Such as:
C: What did you dream about last night Mommy?
A: I dreamed about having MacKenna.
C: I dreamed about having MacKenna too.
A: Really?
C: Yeah. And when she popped out, she loved me and I loved her.

A: You have one long hair on the side of your head.
C: My hair is getting long. Maybe you should take me to get it cut.
A: I can't do that right now, but maybe Daddy could take you.
C: OK, I'll ask him...
C: Daddyo (see below) can you come with me to get my hairdut by Miss Sue? It's long. We should do that soon.
K: Ok (with pure amusement on his face).

And out latest phase at breakfast one morning:
C: I think from now on you (point at Kevin) should be called Daddy-oh, and you (point at Amy) should be called Mom-oh, and me called Camo. OK?
We laugh, but he has honestly kept this up for over a week now:)

3 year olds are just too precious!