An interesting week
This week started as a normal week. Here are a few pictures to show you fun things I was doing...
Mom and I even made a video of me singing the Blue's Clues song, but she can't figure out how to upload it, so you'll just have to trust me. I was starting to get over my ear infection from the previous week, and all was well.
Then Wednesday things got a little crazy. Mom had to work a longer day that day because she was starting to train Nicky who will help out with her work when she has MacKenna. When she walked in the door at 4:30 sho dropped her stuff, gave me a quick hug and went right to lay on the couch. I tried to lay with her and make her feel better, but she seemed to be in some sort of pain. She told daddy she was having something called contractions and just needed to rest. Gigi was stopping by soon and when she got there she sat with Mom for awhile too. You see, Mom had been told about 3 weeks ago to take it easy since she was starting to have these contractions (Braxten Hicks) more often. The dr's said it was just too early for MacKenna to come and so she had been doing that. Well, after two hours of contractions, Mom called the dr. It took another 2 hours to actually get the doctor on call and they told her to come to the hospital. They arrived around 9 pm, and were sent to triage. After being checked out it was determined these contractions needed to stop. MacKenna is only 32 weeks along and it is just too early. They gave mom IV fluids and a shot to relax her uterus - this worked for a couple hours and then things started again. So they admitted her to the hospital about 1 AM. She sent daddy home to sleep and take care of me (she worries about her boys). They gave her some fluids via IV (Magnesium Sulfate) that were more poweful to stop the contractions and they also started her on steriod shots to help develop MacKenna's lungs. She was in the hospital from 1 am Thursday morning until about 9 am Friday. After some more tests Friday morning the doctors feel that MacKenna should stay put at least a couple more weeks and Mom should go home and be on bedrest unti then. So now she has laid on the couch for two days while daddy and I take care of everything (cooking, cleaning, washing the cars, going for walks, etc.). I come visit her a lot and sit with her, but it's pretty boring.
Maybe she will tell you more about the situation later, but until then pray for MacKenna to grow strong and hang in there at least a few more weeks. And pray for daddy and I as we hold down the house (and daddy still tried to work!!).
We are definitely praying for all 4 of you! Please keep us updated and let us know if we can do anything!
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