Meal Time Prayers
No new pictures to post this time, but I have to share my latest accomplishment. For some time now Mom and Dad have been trying to get me to start saying a prayer before I eat. This started with them deciding on a simple prayer ("Dear God. Thank You. Amen."). Then they started saying it and trying to get me to repeat after them. This is not my style. For those of you who know me, I much prefer getting YOU to repeat what I want to say. So they learned to let me start and then they repeat what I attempt to say. Lately I have gotten the "Dear God and Thank You" down pat. But then, I tend to forget what to say next. A couple weeks ago they started asking"What is the next word?" when I would forget. This series of events have led to the following being our meal time prayer:
Camden - "God"
Mom and Dad - "Dear God"
Camden - "ank You"
Mom and Dad - "Thank you"
Camden - "word"
Hopefully God gets the picture that we are thankful and a silly family!!