So, I have found that Mom is still not very good at frequent updates:) She tries.
Life around here has been pretty typical. I play on the floor and lately I babble a lot (ba ba ba, da da da). I also enjoy making high pitched squealing sounds and I love it when Mom and Dad join in and we have squealing conversations! I am trying so hard to figure out how to get across the room on my own, especially when a cat comes to visit the room I am in. I haven't figured it out yet - which usually means I fuss in frustration, but sometimes I can army man crawl (pulling along with my arms) when I get focused.
On Thursday night I went with Mom to see her friends and their baby girls. I had great fun with Kate (about a year old) and Greta Banks (6 weeks older than me). We played on the activity table and laughed at each other a lot. Greta Banks and I shared an open mouth "kiss" and that made all the girls laugh so much!! I was just trying to get a closer look at her:)
Here is a recent picture from dinner time.