Just Hello

Mom just got some film developed and she wanted to post a few of her favorite pictures. Also, last weekend she and I went to FL for the weekend to see my Grandma, Clay, my Aunt Tracy and cousins Cody and Tristan, and my great grandparents. It was my first plane trip, my first big trip and the first time I met my great-grandparents. I did great on the place even though the flight was very delayed, but once I arrived I decided I wanted to go back home. I think I cried and tried to tell mom that about 10 hours a day the entire three days we were there. It was nice of her to think I would want to visit family, but I just wanted to go back home to familiar surroundings and my daddy. As soon as she got me home and off the place, I instantly turned back into my usual charming self and all has been fine ever since. Oh well - maybe we can try that trip again later on! Enjoy the pictures. And, check out Sarala's Parents website (see links)...she just got a little brother this week and she is my same age!! We are so happy for the entire Gainor family! Happy Birthday Jackson!
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