Still In the Same House

As you know from last week, we were supposed to move this weekend. To make a very long, very frustrating story short...we didn't. We are still here and I am sleeping in my same room. But lately I haven't wanted to sleep in there much. I have had a hard time going to sleep for nap and bedtime. Mommy and Daddy "hope" this is just a phase I will get through, because it is exhausting for them. Tonight it took Mommy 50 minutes to get me to stay in my crib without standing back up and crying..she is worn out!
A few weeks ago, Mommy and Daddy left me and went out of town to visit some college friends. It was their first trip away and they enjoyed it, but missed me. I had lots of fun staying with Gram E and visiting all her friends. While I was there Gigi came one day to play with me and she took some fun pictures. Here are some of them (Mom says she is very talented with the camera - but I just like to smile for her!).
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