
Even though I am not totally aware of it, we are moving in two days. In fact, right now I am sleeping in my crib here at this house for the very last time. The move and all the packing, house hunting, appliance buying, house selling, etc. is the reason Mom has not been posting at all lately. She says she is sorry, but she has HAD to take care of lots of other details and cute pictures of me have not been top on the list:) However, I am going to have her post a few pictures right now and then promise to put more up in the next couple weeks. Just for a run down of how I am right now...I still have 8 teeth, I get around by "walking" upright on my knees (it's very funny, and I just don't want to walk yet!!), I LOVE books (I could make mom sit and read to me for 30 minutes every morning, I LOVE playing in the sprinkler and I'm cute as can be:)
PS - We aren't moving far (about 15 miles away) to Wake Forest. Now I will be about 5 minutes from Grandma and in walking distance to 2 parks, the library, and Daddy's favorite Mexican restaurant!!
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